Donating to a Campaign

So, you’re contemplating a contribution to my campaign for county commissioner? Thanks, I really appreciate it, not so much the money itself, though that will come in handy, I really appreciate the vote of confidence. I’m planning on putting in a lot of time and effort to do this job right, I’m sure there’ll be times I wonder “why I got myself into this,” and it’ll be nice to remember that you were there in the beginning, encouraging me monetarily to undertake this endeavor.

Here’s how campaign contributions work in Nevada. All contributions must be reported, but any contribution of $101 or more has to be reported to the state with the name and address of the contributor. So the amount of your contribution has a certain message. If you give $10,000, which I’m not suggesting you do, but I’d accept it if you did, it would say, “This contributor has a lot of money to burn, and they must have some important reason why they want Brian in that commissioner’s chair. Could be nefarious, who knows?”

If you give $1,000 it says something like, “This contributor really believes Brian would make a fine commissioner, and this contributor has handled their own finances in a way that they can freely make a significant contribution without putting themselves in the poor house.”

A $100 contribution, the legal maximum for anonymity, says “This contributor believes firmly in Brian, but might be in a position where having their name attached to anything political could have a negative effect on business, or the tranquility of familial relations.”

A $20 contribution says “This contributor believes in Brian, but the way money is right now, another twenty bucks could still feed their own child tunafish sandwiches for almost a month of school.”

A $5 contribution says, “Now here’s a kid that wants to get involved with American governance! They probably had to rake leaves off their elderly neighbor’s yard for an hour to scrape together that much money!”

Also, if you use PayPal to make a contribution, there is a small processing fee, of course they have to stay in business too. So if you were shooting for $101, you better make it $105.

Whatever your contribution, and feel free to include a note declaring your own custom message, I really do appreciate it. I know “money doesn’t grow on trees,” and I know there are many other causes that could use this same money well. Your support will be helpful now, to get my message out to the 30,000 registered voters in the county, and the memory of it will sustain me in the future, when it feels like the wolves, and the tigers, and the piranhas are all circling.

Thanks for reading all the way to the end. As a reward: “knock, knock. Who’s there, you say? Señor, I say. Señor who? Seen your lights were on, can I come in?” *The previous knock knock joke was entirely fictional, any resemblance to a real joke was completely coincidental. No actual Spanish speakers were injured in any way in the telling of this joke.

For peaceful, prosperous, liberty,

Brian D. Gale